Faith= Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
Faith is the word that is at the epicenter of what we believe. However, I feel that many times we get true faith wrong. Most people say faith is "believing in God," but when things get hard they hop off of the faith train. Many people are only faithful when they know they are right, when things are easy, when no risk at all is involved. What kinda faith is that? Faithless in my opinion. It takes no faith when the odds are in your favor, when you know the circumstances and the consequences. True faith believes and acts regardless of the circumstances and in spite of the consequences. It goes outside of the comfort zone and into the God zone. It says God I don't know what is going to happen but I have the faith to do it. I'm relying on You, your strenght, your guidance, and your power to get me through this. Faith requires effort, it does not care about being popular, fitting in, or being IT. Faith actively seeks God and proclaims God all of the time regardless the cost.
The Bible is full of people of True Faith. Look at Abraham who offered up his own son Issac. Moses who Hebrews 11:25 "choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin... V27 By faith, he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the King; for he endured as seeing Him who is invisible." You have the Faith of the disciples who left all that they had and followed Jesus. The faith of Paul and others to boldly preach the Gospel of Christ to others despite the imprisonments, harsh words, and threats of others. These examples are in the Bible for a reason... And I feel that the reason is to show us what true faith looks like. To show us what being All In for Jesus Christ really is. Will we listen? Will we read the Word and learn? Or will we simply continue to live faithless lives?
A popular passage in the Bible talks about a Faithless man... The Rich Young Ruler Mark 10: 17-22. The Rules asks Jesus "what shall I do to enherit eternal life? V17" to which Jesus replies
"You know the commandments.... V19" The ruler was excited because he had kept the commandments. However, following the commandments was not enough. Anyone can follow a bunch of commands (rules). Anyone can look at a list of things that you should not do and follow them. You do not have to really pur forth a great deal of faith to follow commands. In V21 Jesus says "One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven and come, take up your cross and follow me." He is saying take that step of faith, come and follow me. Give up all that you know, leave it all behind, have the faith to eliminate those things and follow me. Don't have faith in the things that you have physically, but have faith in Your Father that you have spiritually. However, The Ruler "was sad at this work, and went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions V.22." Faithless.
Do we have the faith to say YES, I give it all away? To have faith in God despite the circumstances and consequences? Moses forsook pleasure of sin to take on affliction with the people of God. Steven lost his life for the faith that he had in God. But the good things anout Faith is that it always pays off. If it takes your life, You gain heaven. If ya suffer persecution, your blessed (Matther 5:10). If ya make it through it, there is always an opportunity to share God's love. Faith is living out what ya truly believe about God. Actions always speak louder that words. Many people talk about faith, but few live out faith.... Which one are you dear friend?
1 Timothy 6:12 "Fight the good fight of Faith...."
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